Saturday 20 September 2014

P & P - Part One People Aware - Exercise 3 - Experimenting With Light

This exercise asks for 4-6 standard head and shoulder images using different lighting techniques.

Image 1

Later afternoon and a reflector to light the left side of the subject's face.

Image 2

This image was in full hot and bright sun from the right of subject. I've attempted to capture the subject using someone to block the sun on the face and avoiding harsh bright light. The subject was very uncomfortable with a close up image and is using her hair to cover part of her face.

Image 3

Early afternoon but using dappled light coming through the trees to the left. Not all portraits need to be face on and there is enough in this side in image to show an element of the subject's character and the informal pose is much more natural looking.. The sun is full on to the face but because the way the subject is facing sun and camera angle the harsh shadows are avoided

Image 4

This image was taken under the shade of a gazebo with light from the right and is my favourite of this set. I've used Imagenomic's Portraiture at very basic and minimal settings and adjustments to smooth the skin very slightly. Ladies are always much more worried about what the camera captures and on closer shots are particularly keen to ensure any blemishes are not so visible. When the subject is confident with you in your image taking and post processing I find they are much more relaxed in front of the camera.

Using light across the face late afternoon is also softer and has been used to create catch lights ion the subject's eyes.

Exercise Learnings

1. With portraits its important to use light to avoid flat images, to give the impression of 3D rather than the 2D it actually is

2. Light later in the day is much softer and more flattering for subjects

3. The subject having confidence in the photographer and final image can allow the subject to be much more relaxed and the image looks more natural as a result

4. Use of reflectors can improve lighting and image 4 could have been improved if a reflector was used to light the left side of the face

5. Use of small depths of field, shooting wider open, can put distracting backgrounds out of focus

6. When capturing a subject's eyes, using light to create catch lights can bring an image alive and create an improved dynamic, helping to create a link between subject and viewer

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